Green Generation.

on Saturday, November 1, 2008

Earth Day Network’s “Green Generation” campaign is a two-year initiative that will launch in 2009 and culminate on the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day in 2010.

Green Generation includes ordinary people who are engaged in individual and collective activities to improve their health, to improve their schools, to participate in building a solution to urgent national and global issues, such as climate change or the world’s water crises.

We too, wanna do our part.
Stay tuned to this website for the debut pack of postcards we have designed in coherence to the Singapore Green Plan 2012~

Think Globally, Act Locally.

on Sunday, October 26, 2008

With the many pressing environmental issues going on, there have been many programmes and campaigns being held all over the world to save the environment.

Singapore too, has the Singapore Green Plan 2012.
The Singapore Green Plan is the voice and will of each and every Singaporean towards protecting and sustaining the environment we live in.

Singapore Green Plan 2012 is the 10-year blueprint towards environmental sustainability.

The Six Focus Areas to SGP 2012 are:
1. Water
2. Air and Climate
3. Public Health
4. Waste Management
5. Nature
6. International Environmental Relations

We hope that more people would be aware of the environmental challenges Singapore faces and be more willing to do their part and ensure that we have a sustainable environment to live in, for us and for future generations.